ERNTE offers artists associated with Schaffhausen the opportunity to present their latest works to a broad audience. The exhibition takes place every two years and has been a fixture in Schaffhausen since 1938.

For ERNTE 24, a five-member jury selected 19 artists from among a total of 85 submitted portfolios:

Jennifer Bennett (*1976) David Berweger (*1982), Amanda Camenisch (*1987), Andreas Dal Cero (*1964), Angelika Shaba Dreher (*1977), Rebekka Lissia Gnädinger (*1982), Linda Graedel (*1941), Alexandra Häberli (*1983), Marc Hirt (*1986), Nadja Kirschgarten (*1979), Andreas Lüthi (*1955), Mara Röllin (*1998), Eliane Rutishauser (*1963), Ursula Scherrer (*1966), Bennett Smith (*1996), Dorothea Trapp (*1964), Georges Wenger (*1947), Kerstin Wittenberg (*1970), Ying Xu (*1975)

The ERNTE Art Prize of Mobiliar 2024 went to the artist Nadja Kirschgarten (*1979) for her work Melody and was awarded to her at the opening of the exhibition. The prize, which includes a cash award of 10,000 Swiss francs, is sponsored by the Schaffhausen branch of Schweizerische Mobiliar Versicherung, led by Philipp Früh.

ERNTE 24 is a joint project by the Museum zu Allerheiligen and the Kunstverein Schaffhausen.