Gotthard and Friedel Jedlicka Foundation
The Gotthard and Friedel Jedlicka Foundation was established in 1980 by Urs and Peter Hofmann. It commemorates Gotthard Jedlicka (1899–1965), a professor of art history and an important friend and patron of Max Gubler, and his wife Friedel (1899–1979).
The foundation aims to support the art department of the Museum zu Allerheiligen Schaffhausen by providing the museum with 53 paintings by Max Gubler as a permanent loan and one work each by René Auberjonois and Rolf Iseli.
In total, the Museum zu Allerheiligen holds some 100 paintings and works on paper by Max Gubler, making it the largest collection of the artist’s works in a Swiss museum. This provides a unique, representative overview of the works of Max Gubler (1898–1973), one of the most important Swiss artists of the mid-20th century.